I saw this article today, written by one of it's own (psychiatrists, creators of the DSM or The manual, prepared by the American Psychiatric Assn., psychiatry's
only official way of deciding who has a "mental disorder" and who is
"normal.") and thought how their new classifications convert the physiological to psychological.
"Psychiatry's latest DSM goes too far in creating new mental disorders"
By Allen Frances
March 1, 2010
This is a good article in it has some very telling statements.
The author doesnt acknowledge that these new "disorders" are directly related to biological function. Its not in the mind people! Its in the body! Its Iodine deficiency being magnified in a hundred different directions causing these disorders!
Her statement "expected memory problems of aging" ? This is why so many people think that memory problems with aging is normal. It's not. Memory issues are just one of the many symptoms of a sick body that these "experts" and the author pass off as aging.
Or Normal.
Another quote:
"If requirements for diagnosing a mental disorder are too stringent, some who need help will be left out; but if they are too loose, normal people will receive
unnecessary, expensive and sometimes quite harmful treatment."
That statement includes everyone ever diagnosed with the DSM.No, the author doesnt mean everyone, she is only speaking of a hypothetical few when she actually means everyone!
The depressed who are never tested for iodine deficiency but are given a whole lot of pharmaceuticals cause they fit the DSM. The only mental thing wrong here is listening to these experts.
They all need to be charged with medical malpractice. As the author noted these doctors have their own agendas. Well these agendas are killing people or making life miserable.
It's just so needless. These rash of suicides are another statement to the fact that the DSM is so wrong. People go to these doctors feeling depressed, sad, anxious, cant function and these docs tell em its in their mind and give em a pill or some mental therapy when if they looked a little deeper, without these agendas, they would see a body that is sick. They would see the biological problems within the body creating each and every one of their DSMs!
Its really very simple people. Its called Iodine deficiency.
The iodine deficiency leads to many if not all body functions being out of whack. For some they feel sad. For others they feel anxious. Some overeat trying to get the vitamins and minerals their bodies need but the iodine deficient body cant assimilate. The longer the person is iodine deficient the worse they become. Or how about those with "Hypersexuality disorder" (is that really a new DSM?) criteria being they they want sex too much? Or is it really, a person cant control their iodine deficient bodies' hormonal dysfunction. Hormones arent functionging properly! Its in the sex orgns people! Its not in the mind! The person that cant control behavior wont find the answer in the DSM. Or the myriad of pills the DSM prescribes. The list of their symptoms is really endless, depending on the doctor, and their answers are rarely true. The answer is iodine.
It doesnt have to be that way. If everyone questioned the DSM, if everyone asked "what causes these symptoms" instead of accepting the DSM as gospel.It would change. They, pscyhs, will tell you they dont know what causes most of their criteria(symptoms) for diagnoses. Or that some mysterious occurance triggered latent memories from the past or its part of aging or its Normal.
They are wrong. Simple as that. Iodine supplementation, along with the necessary vitamins and minerals to correct the damage(magnesium, Seleium, unrefined salt, Vitamin C, B vitamins) will eliminate all those DSM symptoms.
Got DSM? Try iodine instead of pills, lose the criteria. Forever.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The new DSM
Posted by
6:53 AM
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