Every day i see posts or news stories from people who are sick and have been medically damaged by doctors. People are lost. Unsure of where to turn. They get confused by the many opinions of what is good for a body and what is not. Some go in every different direction just trying to feel good.
We have been told that our illness is part of aging (weight gain, aching muscles, aching joints,unexplained pain, brain fog) or that we are depressed(depression hurts, yeah it hurts cause it's screaming yer body is sick!), or that "insert chronic illness" can be controlled (Asthma, Diabetes, a hundred others).
We are told this constantly not only in the doctors office but in our homes as we are bombarded with commercials which tells us about Advair and Pristiq or Celebrix or so many others. They buy alot of air time. All these bright cheery commercials pushing a pill on you that will not cure you. A pill that will give you some side effects, some not so pleasant. A pill that just might kill you (it's in the fine print). Pills that can and do make you sicker because the real problem is ignored.
It is nothing short of genocide to a healthy life what these drug companies and doctors have done and are doing to the human race. 100 years of medical chaos.
So much misinformation. So many lies.
Reversing chaos is rather easy to do. I sometimes want to scream "it doesnt have to be that way!" when people tell me their loved one is dying from cancer (but its all a part of life or aging), or the frustration of a stranger whose grandma has slipped into dementia interferring with daily life Or the friend who can no longer handle life but her doctor has a new drug.
In all these cases these people listen to their doctors. The doctors who are killing not only our bodies but our quality of life.
I can relate to a sick body not doing what i want it to do. I can relate to a boy whose autistic body makes it impossible for him to control the need for sameness. Bodies in such a state of vitamin and mineral deficiency that chaos reigns supreme.
Reversing chaos for some comes swiftly with Iodine consumption. Depression lifts almost immediately. Energy levels increase. Cold or flu like symptoms occur for about a week as the body is finally eliminating virus and bacteria that have lived within for years. Severely damaged people may have adrenal or liver issues. Addressing these issues and finding the right balance is important but not rocket science. What a body needs.
What a body needs is not to be found in the doctors office or in medical commercials. What a body needs is a balance of Iodine, Vitamins and other minerals. Natural Sea Salt. Pure Water. Food that is high fat, lots of protein (chicken,eggs, 2% milk), veggies(potatoes are not a veg), fruit, low carb, low to zero grains, apple juice (or malic acid), no soy, no GMO, probiotic yogurt, potassium/calcium rich food. Throw in some stretching, dancing or other semi strenuous activity and chaos is eliminated.
Simple as that. Maybe not so simple at first for the chaotic mind with a sick body or one that has been lead to believe the answer is more complicated or has difficulty remembering what was for breakfast, or believes that doctors are gods. Once begun half done. Where do i remember that from? Sums it up pretty good. Have faith to start. Shed the doubts. Once begun the effects almost always enliven the body fairly fast. The body knows what's been missing and screams a big YESSS! Half done.
A link to my chaos ending list is at the end if this blog. The cure to chaos. I feel the things on this list with a few exceptions are mandatory. It takes all of them to find balance. A body in balance doesn't have chronic illness or allergies or cancer. The body in balance isn't overweight or depressed.
The only optional things on my list are the types of supplements and enzymes. I have found the best, lowest cost of the brands I prefer with the least fillers or bad ingredients. The type of magnesium or Vitamin C or B vitamins is optional. I do feel better using several kinds of some such as C and Magnesium, but that could just be me and my quirks. I feel enzymes are important for the severely damaged (like me!), perhaps not so important for those with less damage. They are worth the cost in my opinion as years of iodine deficiency most certainly has created enzyme deficiency. Non flouride toothpaste is optional but keep in mind that flouride bounces iodine off receptors, a very bad thing (only one of the horrible things flouride does to a body). Each person's list can be slightly different. I am providing mine to have a beginning, a concise template to a balanced body. Included is a table of when i take what, another visual aide to see how it's done!
Iodine is the most important item on the list. Small amounts of iodine will effect change. High dosages of Iodine require higher dosages of vitamins, minerals and natural salt.
I am willing to answer questions if asked. Or there are several Iodine Yahoo groups with people following the Iodine protocol and finding health. Google or Yahoo Group search of Iodine leads to an abundance of knowledgable people willing to help.
Good health can find you once begun. It may take a few months or a few years, but it will find you. Chaos eliminated.
My Iodine Protocol
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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