I saw this quote yesterday:
"It's not just about shortening your life if you do nothing -- it is
about losing your life to illness & disability long before you
actually die."
I have been "reading" the person that said this quote since joining the Iodine group. Just a regular person who had the courage to go against the medical society, who tries to help others and has a lot of knowldege and first hand experience. Priceless.
The quote made me think about how I see illness. It is difficult for me to see a person without seeing what is wrong with them now. And that is the point of this post. Every where i look are sick people. They put their faith in the medical society and just look at them. Next time you walk thru Walmart or the mall, really look at the people. Look at the children. How many healthy people do you see? Can you see it? We have been conditioned to believe all these signs of illness are normal. We are conditioned to believe we are healthy and we are not.
There are millions of people that spend their last 20 to 30 years of their life barely able to move or get out of bed or off the couch and their doctors tell them its what happens with age. And we believe.
I have had friends that put their faith in the medical society to varying and extreme outcomes. Each an example of medical society casualties.
Like the person that starts putting on weight, anxiety sets in, constant illness, pain in joints, elsewhere. Panic Attacks. Pills, not nutrition or iodine are prescribed that worsen the state of an already ill body. Doc prescribes Synthroid (a substance rxd to millions that should be on the top 10 list to avoid like the plauge) and anti depressents and a myriad of other drugs and little by little i see them drown.
Or the person who has been told they are bipolar and doesnt get what they are is iodine deficient which has led to a complete body imbalance of nutrients and minerals. Doc prescribes anti depressents and a myriad of other drugs never addressing the iodine deficiency nor the thyroid and adrenal imbalance and i see them drown.
Or the person who has suffered their entire life with depression, anxiety, inability to lose weight,constant illness, arthritis and still cant let go of the medical society ways and i have watched them drown.
Or the person with constant sinus problems, weight gain, apnea, no energy, depression who still believes the medical society is the place to heal.
And as we are medical society casualties so too are our children. Our babies, who because of our untreated conditions and who have been injected with thyroid antibody inducing toxins in the name of vaccines, cant excrete metals, have holes in their intestines and diabetes and uncontrollable fungus and yeast and parasites, hundreds of symptoms and illness and i have watched them drown.
Drowning in a sea of godlike men and women (doctors) guiding them to a slow and painful death. A life lived without ever being healthy. The end days slowly and steadily lost to illness and disability. Those are the living medical society casualties.
They have been my friends, my family or people i see in my little town or at Walmart. They are everywhere around us. People living life without really living at all. Existing. Dreading the next day. Unable to get out of bed or off the couch, not by choice but by condition.
I was a medical society casualty for my first 45 years. It is hard to let go. Hard not to believe they know how to fix us even when the proof is everywhere around us. The path to health starts with us. Becoming healthy and living a full, feel good every day life is within each of us.
If every person gave up the Medical Society doctors in exchange for true healers, physicians that listen to their patients, docs that treat symptoms with nutrition (vitamins, minerals, protein, water, salt, natural supplements) rather than pharmacueticals, we might see an end to the medical society casualties.
True, there arent many real healers out there. But the number is growing. Docs that have disgarded what they were ingrained with in medical school. Docs who look at eliminating causes rather than treating or masking symptoms. If you cant take control of your own health, as i and many others have (it can be done!), then at least let go of a doc that will only make you a casualty of its medical society. Seek out a natural doc who has the power to help you restore your health and eliminate all those sick, anxiety or depression or tired or "age" symptoms. Forever.
I have let go of the Medical Society, i am no longer a casualty, and it feels sooo good!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Medical Society Casualties
Posted by
5:46 AM
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Modern Medicine Is Depressing
I read alot of the experiences of people on various health groups and one thing seems to be typical. Most docs really dont have a clue about health.
They know alot about symptoms and which pill to give, what test to run...so they know which pill to give. Yet they know bascially nothing about how the body works and what causes the symptoms.
If their medical schools taught how the body really functions, every doctor on the planet would know about the importance of iodine. One cannot possibly exclude the other. Iodine is used by every single process within our bodies. Every hormonal function is determined by Iodine. Every vitamin and mineral regulated by Iodine. So why is it that most doctors learned to fear iodine in their schooling and never test for Iodine deficiency?
A few never even test for thyroid problems. There are millions of men women and children whose thyroids are being slowly destroyed because their doctors arent testing for iodine deficiency. Same with Adrenals.
There are millions of depressed people because their doctors dont test for iodine deficiency.
Undiagnosed iodine deficiency and thyroid imbalance start a chain reaction of symptoms or as the medical society like to call it, disease. Some are born deficient, starting life within an iodine deficient mother.
There is a slow but growing trend among medical society doctors to prescribe iodine. Even an upward usage of iodine by naturpathic physicians to use more(perhaps because natural docs tend to listen to their patients body and current science rather than what they learn in school or from the pharm reps).
Yet we still have the very biggest percentage of doctors will never test for iodine deficiency. They will wait years to test your thyroid function, if they ever do at all. Most docs will attribute depression to the need of a pill. Or talk it out. Like you can talk out the proteins leaving your intestines going straight to your brain effecting your neurotransmitters or the lack of iodine depleting magnesium, but the pill will hide your symptoms if you just wanna feel better today ;-)
They will attribute weight gain with overeating. Never mind that that overeating is probably a form of PICA, the need to eat mass quantity of food to get miniscule amounts of vitamins and minerals with the inability to break down fats. Or, there are those that eat 1200 calories and still gain weight and cant figure out why cause their docs dont test for the cause (iodine deficiency).
They will attribute your high blood pressure to overeating or stress or table salt and they have a pill to fix it. Except they arent really fixing it, just masking one of the many signs of iodine deficiency.
Reading about every day people on the health groups, several thousands of them, the life they have lead till now, putting their faith in doctors is just really depressing. Then there are the people prominent in the media who also suffer the fate of the revered medical society. Vivid images in my mind of iodine deficiency and medical harm.
I have list of the most famous iodine deficient people floating in my head. Oprah is probably the most famous. Vincent D'Onofrio is one that i find the saddest cause he is one of my favorite actors and is obviously struggling with health issues related to iodine deficiency and thyroid problems. Brendan Fraser. Elizabeth Taylor. So many iodine deficient faces in our every day life.
The other day i saw a picture of Roger Ebert and added him to my list.I felt much sadness for what that man has obviously gone thru. The image left an even sadder thought that he is not alone, just one image of the many millions of others. He is now one of Hollywood's poster children for the unecessary damage the Medical Society can inflict.
I use to watch Siskel and Eberts movie reviews, liked the content of their show. Mr. Siskel was an iodine deficient casulty. Mr. Ebert showed signs of iodine deficiency and thyroid disorder long before he got to the point of that shocking image i saw. How did his doctors miss that ?
Perhaps because doctors dont routinely test for Iodine deficiency. Years of deficiency leads to thyroid problems. Which lead to glandular damage and thyroid death (cancer). Years of iodine deficiency leads to vitamin and mineral depletion which create more symptoms("disease").
So they cut out his thyroid. Big mistake. First they gave him cancer inducing radioactive iodine just to take pictures of the thyroid(RAI). Then they cut out the one thing that was trying to keep cancer from growing in other places. Like his jaw. Or as other docs theorize cutting into the mass of cancer cells creates a massive exodous to other parts. Cause cancer is a fungus or mass of viral bacteria colony or an explosion of unchecked growth(depends on who you ask). Cancer, or fungus, starts small, insiduously growing, lurking. The level of iodine deficiency and the damage that deficiency has caused will determine the level and pace of growth. But the very first mistake that is always made is not either supplementing iodine or testing for iodine deficiency. Cause everyone is deficient. Ok there might be a 1% of the population that isnt but hey we dont know cause they dont test!
Its a mistake that 99% of doctors make daily. And the images all around us of modern medicines biggest mistake, intentional or not, continually seeing these iodine deficient images is sad.
The stories of people who finally find the solution, iodine sufficiency and vitamin and mineral supplementation to fix the years of damage, changes the image and the feelings to health and happiness.
Iodine. Really is that simple.
Ask your doctor, "Am I Iodine Deficient, Can you Test for Iodine Deficiency?" His, or her response will give you a clue how to proceed. Anything other than yes is sign to question. If cutting anything out is suggested, run and dont look back ...
The way doctors cut things out is one of my worst nightmarish thoughts and one of my next blog topics. But now, Off to make jewels while the sun warms up the day then finishing cleaning my pool from its wintery mess.
Posted by
6:53 AM
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Another Lie, "Iodine Is Carcogenic"
I read a post the other day about someones friend warning her against taking iodine. This person told her Iodine was carcogenic.
The really sad thing about this story is not that someone actually thought Iodine was a carcinogen. It's not. Iodine is the one thing on the planet that will save you from every other carcinogen. In a perfect world, with everyone iodine sufficient, there might not have ever been a need for the word carcinogen.
The terribly sad thing about this false warning about Iodine is that the person making the statement is a newly graduated NURSE! It is extremely scary to me that new nursing graduates have the false belief that Iodine is a carcinogen.
Where did she get this information? Did her professors suggest Iodine was a carcinogen? Or did she come up with this notion all by herself?
Or perhaps her ignorance was speaking of the Medicals Society misuse of Iodine in various forms? Endocrinologist use RAI (radioactive iodine) a form of Iodine, daily. Which is one of the worse things anyone could do to their bodies! Millions have it done and it's just stupid! The Medical Society make alot of money on that one tho.
Or perhaps the nurse is confusing Iodine with Methyl Iodide. A proven carcinogen that one.
Nursing programs are doing a disservice to its students if this is a Nurse's mindset.
Makes the need for a world wide movement to embrace the use of Iodine and obtaining Iodine sufficiency all the more important.
The fear of Iodine needs to be dispelled. There is pandemic Iodine deficiency. People are dying from disease that Iodine would cure. People are living with chronic illess that Iodine will cure. Our babies die or get autism or diabetes because they get vaccines iodine sufficient bodies dont need. Well, no one needs a vaccine. Another of the major lies, but not this topic ;-)
If the worlds' people were given Iodine with the necessary vitamins, minerals, salt, water and protein the Medical Society would crumble. Replaced by a healthy society. An Iodine sufficient society. Might take 100 years. Might take 200. You cant undue what has been done to us overnight. I can imagine it happening. But that is just my optimistic dream. Grim reality is there might be too much at stake, too many trillions of dollars, to create a healthy society. They have the power and money to suppress it, to take it away.
There is hope for some of us tho. The people that dont follow blindly. That have faith in not what they are told but what they see. That know the truth. A few brave doctors that go against their Medical Society are documenting the proof. It's only a matter of time before each of us convince a few more, that tell their friends, that change the world.
Iodine supplementation could change the world as we know it. That is the truth.
Posted by
5:36 AM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
H1N1 , more evidence of the hoax
This news story is quite good in exposing how the Medical Society has conned people into believing the H1N1 pandemic.
And the sudden removal of testing can only mean they knew it, didnt want you to know it, because they wanted to sell vaccines....
Its all about profit. They created it, they exploited everyone over it. And I pity those that got injected with it.
Never ceases to amaze me how people can believe without actually knowing. Fear does that. The Medical Society instilled fear in all the humans on the planet for the sole purpose of selling their product. This has been repeated hundreds of times in the past and will undoubtedly be tried again. Most likely succeeding again and again because people simply believe what they are told.
Very sad. Learn the truth. Research Iodine. Then you wont need their medicine and you wont believe their lies.
Posted by
8:13 AM
Friday, February 12, 2010
The Cardiac Lie, Prez Clinton and The Truth*
In an article entitled "No Cure For Heart Disease, As Clinton Case Shows" http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100212/ap_on_he_me/us_med_clinton_s_heart
Pres. Clintons's cardiologist is Dr. Allan Schwartz at New York Presbyterian Hospital.
Schwartz emphasized heart disease "is a chronic condition. We don't have a cure for this condition, but we have excellent treatments."
"Excellent Treatments"... It would be funny if it werent so sad. Yeah they have excellent treatments. Which do nothing to treat the cause or cure the problem. Their treatments might hide the symptom, all the while creating new and exciting damage, such as arteries with plaque.
Unlike what Swartz says, Clinton could have been given magnesium for his high blood pressure many years ago instead of the other problem causing drugs he was given. He has probably had every drug money can buy and yet his own specialist says he cant cure him. His heart disease can be traced back to what he shares with almost every other American. Iodine deficiency.
I believe I could cure Clinton. So could many of the Naturapathic Docs in this country. But he, like so many others put their faith in the wrong medicine.
There are a few and growing number of Iodine docs that could cure him. First they would test his Iodine levels. Something none of his "specialists" or even primary care physician has probably ever tested.
Iodine supplmentation would begin. As well as magnesium, selenium, Vit C, B Vitamins, unrefined salt, water. Lots of water. Fish oil.Protein. Fats. Those are the basics. Those will begin to heal the body.
Additional natural supplementation to address the iodine deficiencys' years of damage might include CoQ10, Milk Thistle, Dessicated Thryroid, Adrenal Cortex, IP6, Enzymes or Higher dosages of Iodine.
With the first ingestion of iodine the body gets what its been missing, perhaps for its entire life, and healing begins.
6 months to several years (for the badly damaged) and the lifetime of allopathic medicine can be erased. Cured.
I'll take mine Cured, not treated.
*First Posted on at http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/IodineTruth/
Posted by
6:58 AM
Monday, February 1, 2010
The other day someone said to me:
"Cheryl this is an unsustainable generalisation. "that all those disorders have one cause.namely iodine deficiency.There are many theories of aetiology but to lay so many problems at the door of the thyroid I certainly would not accept."
I didnt lay it at the door of the thyroid.
The door is Iodine deficieny. Every function of the body is based on how much iodine is available. Dont have enough iodine and wherever there is not enough starts problems.
Every part of our bodies from skin to eyeballs use iodine in daily life. Not enough in the thyroid starts a myriad of problems. Not enough in the breast starts breast cysts and cancer. Depression, metabolic disorders all have their source at iodine deficiency. Not enough Iodine in the ovaries; cysts and cancer and lack of sexual hormones.
Not enough in the gut can create leaky gut, bacteria colonies and a hundred other ways bacteria and toxin arent kept in check creating a domino effect of mineral, vitamin and enzyme depletion which lead to Chrons, IBS, Depression, colon cancer, "bi-polar" disorder and hundreds of other symptoms.
It goes on and on. Every symptom can be traced back to iodine deficieny. It all starts there, but by no means ends there.
Not enough whole body iodine depletes magnesium, setting the stage for new and fun symptoms including heart disease, muscle and nerve disorders and RA.
Give vaccines to a child that is iodine deficient and they cant secrete the mercury, formadahyde, adjuvants (squalene) vaccines contain or defend against the hyper immune response that creates antibodies to their own body parts, which causes an even bigger domino effect.
It goes on and on. Every disease (symptom) allopathic medicine creates a pill for, every symptom most docs attribute to age, all have the same link.
The other day when i heard that the Gates were buying $10 billion worth of vaccines i let out a heavy sigh. It is sad that they are so ignorant and entwined in the powers that be that they belive vaccines are the answer.
$10 billion spent on Iodine, Magnesium/Minerals, Vitamin C, Protein, Sea Salt, Clean Water and Sanitation would change the life for the worlds poor. $10 billion in vaccines only trades one symptom for a 100 more they will be too poor to treat.
And that person, who said the quote above also asked me what about the person that drinks too much, or eats too much, or smokes or doesnt exercise, what about them?
Inferring that i believed iodine would cure them.
The iodine sufficient body is able to process that alcohol, the iodine rich liver is able to detoxify. Enough iodine and the thyroid is able to maintain metabolism working with the iodine sufficient digestive tract extracting nutrients and excreteing the rest efficently. Not enough iodine and a body craves so much food simply to extract the vitamins and minerals its iodine deficient body cant use. Iodine rich lungs purge themselves of invading toxins. As for exercise, the iodine sufficient body feels good enough to move, to get outside, to get out of bed.
Symptoms (disease) are just the voice of the iodine deficient body.
Posted by
12:14 PM