Since I started reading about and using Iodine there seems to be a common theme among the non believers. There are actually several different fears but the most common seems to be a fear of the Iodine itself. Most of us have lived in this modern medicine age where we have been mislead into thinking Iodine is something to be feared. The doctors tell us to be afraid of it. And we believe.
So i keep asking myself why. These same non believers will listen to their docs saying vaccines are safe when face it people vaccines are not safe. They are killing mankind, destroying our immune systems, but thats not what this thought is about.
Most of the fear can be traced to one tiny study. Nothing more nothing less. A substance that had been used for centurys, is required by every single cell of our bodies to function properly and is the strongest anti bacterial on the planet has been made into something nightmares are made of.
And that is so wrong.
The fear of iodine begain in 1948 and spread during the mid 50s, medical iodophobia has since spread to include some people who you think know about these things. Or should.
Ask yourself what motivates a person or a company to disregard such a fountain of life. Could it be greed? Iodine is fairly cheap. The myriad of drugs that doctors use to treat the symptoms of Iodine deficiency are not. Or could it be misplaced trust in a system one has studied under for 100 years? And just what what they are told?
And no, the docs rarely tell patients they are iodine deficient. Typical diagnosis' are Thyroid, Diabetes, Hypertension, ADHD, Fybromyalgia, Auto Immune Disease, a very long list of diseases with a common root cause.
I think mostly it just misinformation. The medical establishment is very good with misinformation. The best thing you can do for yourself and those you love is to learn about Iodine.
This is the book. IODINE, Why you need it, Why you cant live without it ~
Or just listen to me and a few thousand others who are healing their bodies thru Iodine replacement.
Ive been told its not this simple. That healing people is not simple. I think we as a people have been made to believe healing ourselves is more difficult than it is. We have been lead to fear the one thing that will make us well.
Ok its not one thing, but it is the main thing. IODINE with Magnesium, Selenium, Vit C, Pink or Sea Salt, Calcium, Vit D3 along with Lots of Good Water and Food is as simple as it gets. And a bit of exercise (the horror) never did anyone wrong ;-)
You are living without Iodine, for whatever reason, try living with it and see what living is really like...
Time to go make jewels! Made Lots of new shadowboxes and lady bugs yesterday. Today I start work on getting everyone the jewels they want to give or wear for christmas. It really started a few weeks ago but about to get intense ...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
No Fear
Posted by
8:45 AM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Birthday Eve and My Gift
Twas the night before birthdays and all thru the house everyone is sleeping and mice arent quiet.
This time 21 years ago I was waiting anxiously for my birthday to arrive because it was also the baby's due date. I had no doubt Gerald would be born on that date since many months before the ultra sound predicted November 26th. I am very punctual.
I spent my 27th birthday in a hospital with pain and excitement and a few scarey moments. The gift I received that day is like no other. The joy from this gift has rippled thru my years creating the basis for all I do. He even brought me to jewels.
My gift wants to touch the world and I have no doubts he will.
Someday he will realize that he already has.
The boy who so earnestly asked at 3 to go to Hollywood has held onto that dream and in the years to come my most cherished gift will reach into the lives of others, changing them with his, his words and his images and I can only smile at how special that is.
Gerald at 21, still the best gift ever...
Posted by
7:29 AM
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The AMAs and Cooking and Birthdays
I had wanted to write about the AMAs yesterday but Blogger kept giving me an error. Seems fixed now. Adam Lambert's performance was great. The way he gets into a song. Magical vocals. The live version even better than the album. He just gets more perfect.
Lady Gaga gave another and unique version of Bad Romance and i loved it all over again. When she went into Speechless, a song i have never heard, i got what I had wanted to hear. In other songs, Amidst all the electric i had glimpsd incredible vocals. And For Speechless her pure voice is wonderful. The lyrics a message. I need the Fame Monster.
Daughtry gave a beautiful performance, too. And Kelly Clarkson. And some were like nails on a chalkboard. More than a few songs with excellent lyrics if only they had a voice.
I would love to see an Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga video. Any song. They have the talent and vocals to perform anything. And leave you wanting more...
The holidays have begun. Lots of jewels to make and food. Thanksgiving's past I cook. Alot. This year I am not motivated yet at all. One reason is because Gerald and I's birthday falls on Thanksgiving day. I can think of better things to do than cook all day on my birthday. A trip to the beach. The Great Wolf Lodge. Las Vegas. Hollywood. I do like cooking thanksgiving dinner, just not on my birthday.
My Gerald almost 21 ... years go so fast.
I could however create new jewels all day since all Gerald wants to do is be alone in his Hut. Creating jewels is always fun :-)
who just realized not one biomed or iodine word was mentioned ...
Posted by
8:00 AM
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Geralds Home
Went to get Gerald in the wind & rain storm and he is now safely ensconced in his Hut. And I am about to create jewels. Got some really pretty movements yesterday and already made a few new creations that are waiting for pictures.
It's trying to be sunny tho and it has rained for about a month now so if the sun does make an appearance i might have to go outside a while. Soak up some D.
20 minutes in sunshine is your RDA of D, if you dont get the sun better take the pill. Not the typical mainsteam RDA, cause thats barely enough to keep an amoeba alive, but the actual amount a person needs to be healthy and make everything else work right, too.
Iodine, Selenium, Magnesium, D, C,Pink Salt, Protein and Water: give that to your poor, your hungry, your sick your tired, your young your old and this planets humans wouldnt be in the worldwide poor health facing us today.
Is anyone really healthy ? The sheer numbers of health related problems are staggering. 20 million adults and children with asthma. 30 million with Diabetes. 40.5 million with high blood pressure, 26 million deaths from broken hearts. and 70% of us are overweight or obese. 20 million with thyroid related disease. New and "pandemic" virus. And sooo much more illness. Anyone see a pattern?
We arent healthy.
You can thank the health care system as we know it. Vaccines have obliterated humans immune systems, created antibodies to our bodies, displaced our iodine, created bodies perfect for harboring bacteria, yeast, fungi and virus.
And why does no one ever ask where the .25 x 6 Billion milligrams of mercury gets excreted to from each injection of flu vaccine?
At least for the lucky 90% that can actually excrete it. The lucky 10 get to keep it in their bodies to create further illness. Thats a guess, the numbers may be higher. The powers that be wont admit anyone does, nor that its bad, really bad.
Clouds are back, I guess i got on that soap box. Must go make jewels and find calm.
Posted by
12:39 PM
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Long Night
Last night Power went out at my house, semi major windstorm. 10pm, just when CSI Miami was to start. It was not fun. Daniel just really doesnt get the concept of NO Power. I suppose he thinks i am being evil not allowing his tv or lights. Or, he cant lose the thought that mom can fix anything. I can typically fix anything. Power outages arent one of them. Makes me want a generator. There is not much as sad as a weeping screaming boy who just wants mom to fix his things.
I left him to his room, lit by a very good tripod flashlight, with his talking toys and books and his wailing cries. I Fell asleep. 130am the power came on. And all the lights. Daniel had turned them all on. And there in his bed the smiling boy who must have thought mom finally fixed it. Happy again in the light and the movies he so loves playing finally.
If only the all the fixes of this world were so easy.
Posted by
6:33 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
Iodine, Vaccine and Daniel
Here is an excellent article on Iodine.
Tomorrow is a mass vaccine campaigned at Daniels school. He wont be going. The h1n1 will be in the air to infect all that are there, and I dont want him exposed to the vaccine(if i can help it and it wasnt the one he had last week). The h1n1 vaccine will no doubtedly infect people even if they dont get the vaccine. Similiar to what happened to Gerald when Evergreen had their mass vaccination.
His aide and sped teacher will both be getting the vaccine, so they will be exhaling droplets of it for days. Longer if they get sick. I hope they dont get sick. I get such a horrid icky feeling when people tell me they are getting that vaccine. They really have no clue what they are doing to their bodies. Its very sad.
It has to be the biggest scam of our time. Worth 25 billion... And people are standing in line, similar to invasion of the body snatchers, they have been lead to believe its the only thing that will save them when it just might be the thing that kills them. Or disables them for life.
Good luck to the naive humans that really just dont get it....
I listed new jewels today and have more to list. But the urge to make them is starting to take over again. But first, HOUSE is on in 10 minutes. Still my favorite show, but Criminal Minds is slowly but surely edging into it and CSI....
And I am totally addicted to Lady Gaga and Bad Romance. That song is so cool. Just makes me wanna dance ... Just 6 more days till Adam Lambert's debut album and Gerald coming home for the holidays. YAY...
Posted by
7:37 PM
Monday, November 9, 2009
FLU Bugs, Jewels And Daniels Voice
Today Daniel is missing another day of school. The flu has really knocked him down. But today does seem to be a day of recovery. He is up and doing his Daniel things.
I have been expecting to get the flu. Think I may have gotten it or tried to get it. Had some symptoms. Sore throat (knocked out by gargling with iodine and water) and a funny rash on my ankle with imflammation and difficulty walking or even standing on it. Which kept me from making jewels at one point! THE HORROR!
Speaking of Daniel things, I am on a mission to get Daniel a voice. The new Vantage Lite is the ACC device that he has needed for the last 13 years.
Vantage Lite
Ok this device is totally new but over the years it is similar to what I would have liked to see him be provided with. What I know he needed yet never gets. Combined with the LAMP method of learning the device (and those around him learning how to use it) I believe Daniel will finally be able to express himself "verbally". He needs this.
I demo'd the software and never experienced anything like it. He has had devices before. The one at home goes thru batteries faster than I can change them. And is limited to 16 words. The ones at school were either never implemented or were too complicated for even the staff to implement. I said were because they chose to abandon the usage of an communication device because it was too complicated (of course they didnt say that, their reasoning is HE cant use it, never mind he CAN use it at home).
And they didnt have the LAMP method either...
So now that I have found Daniels voice I have to figure out how to give it to him. These are expensive and I am not rich, so figuring out funding is an issue.
I would submit to us being test subjects to get this device. Cant really rob a bank. Jewel Fundraiser with all proceeds benefitting Daniels Voice? Possibility.
But since Daniel is disabled and there is this thing called the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act) the school district has responsibility to provide this device. So, I went my usual route asking the School District to provide Daniel with the Vantage Lite.(with the mistaken impression that they too would see the promise of this device) Funny how i always forget how these things go.
First, flat out denial.
Next, oh we didnt deny it(after I had the audacity to question their denial), we just have to evaluate and think about it (typically a months long process) and have a team meeting to which of course your input is taken into consideration (in my dreams).
Then (months later): We have thought about it and think the best action is to continue to use the method and pecs on a ring that lets Daniel use 10 words.
It is the easy thing to do.
Ultimatly, many months later after going thru Due Process and hopefully proving to a judge that the device is needed, more time spent filling out the forms to buy it. Finally training and hope it doesnt become a dust collector.
Imagine trying to communicate silently to the world with 10 words. Could You do it?
Daniel needs his voice...
Posted by
7:26 AM
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I think i avoid blogging because i find it difficult to think of new things to say about jewels that I dont put in my listings. Every new creation I list is like writing a blog! Ok maybe it isnt!
Writing about jewels beyond that has always been like a chore left to last. I much prefer creating the jewels. It IS my passion. I could spend most every hour of every day creating new jewels. While listening to Adam Lambert and Lady Gaga.
My other passion is also what keeps me from blogging here. I created the blog as an extension of me and my jewels with an intent to share my passion. My jewels are me. But writing about the jewels has been a problem because when i think about blogging or something to write, I want to write about Iodine.
Iodine is the cure for every disease. Our lack of iodine and ability to use it is the root cause of all disease. Vaccines are the cause of this deficiency.
My other passion. I want to tell every person on this planet they do not have to be sick. This is what I want to write about. To share with the world. This is what is most important.
So to that end I suppose I could create a new blog,so i could write on many topics, but i have this one. Creating a new blog is alot of work I dont have time for! And as Jewels By Nature is an extension of me, it is not all of me, so feel I shouldnt limit my topics.
So the topics of my blog may or may not be about jewels from now on. I suspect if i can become a blogger, and no promises it wont be a year until my next blog ;-) my writings will be more about Iodine, autism, music and the many more extensions of me, and of course, jewels.
Posted by
7:03 AM